Continous corporate growth

CSG Computer und Software make IT GmbH in Muenster/Germany is the most known address when it comes to high-performance software for the packaging industry. This is due to the fast corporate growth of the last 32 years.

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Standard software for an optimum process execution

We develop ready-to-use IT solutions and offer standard software packages, network solutions as well as hardware products. More than 650 companies all throughout Europe put their trust in our services.

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BOXSOFT® is the intelligent ERP system solution for the packaging industry and offers practical performance on the highest level. The sophisticated and specially designed software meets the criteria of the industry, facilitates processing and thereby increases productivity.

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First-class special hardware

Industry PCs, medical systems, vehicle terminals, touch-panel displays, panel PCs or barcode scanners, you name it:
CSG determines and delivers the best and most suitable special hardware solutions for your demands.

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Information technology for production companies

We are one of the leading companies worldwide for developing and distributing professional high-grade software and hardware for production companies in the packaging industry.

Are you searching for high-performing, extensive and reliable EDP systems solutions for your company? Do you require software or hardware that boots your performance and is tailored to your specific needs?

We develop IT-Solutions for the production industry. We count premium products, an established know-how and a good service as our assets. Besides various products we offer our special software-tradepackage BOXSOFT® for manufacturers and fabricaters of corrugated cardboards, solid fiber boards and flexible packaging. More than 100 packaging industry plants throughout Europe rely on our specialist BOXSOFT® software solution.